Thursday, 18 May 2017


here is a writing on my personal feeling. If any portion of my writing hurt anyone , i beg my pardon. as it unintentional to hurt any one.
Now a days there is special discussion to parents of child from class 1 to class X   of Bengal  and the educationist etc  as Bengal Government has issued an order for teaching Bengali   language  compulsorily from class 1 to  class X  in all schools situated in Bengal irrespective of Board.  
I am stating the arguments raised by the parents who are against the view .
1)      Firstly English is a globally accepted language in every sphere.
2)      Hindi is the Official language in India.
3)      A child has to study more or less 11 subjects including English and Hindi Literature.
4)      Learning foreign language instead of Bengali opens up a world of opportunities in India and abroad.
5)      Time crunch.  Today a child have no time to play , finish homework, attend tuition, etc. making Bengali a compulsorily only add to their misery.
6)      It is the literature of local language- it is not necessary as it only have to communicate with the resident of the area.
7)      No  language should be made compulsory for children. It should be on the choice of the child – so that one child can  enjoy and learn .
8)      In this competitive world. – excellence on each sphere is the prime necessity. Hence one can get his space once it made excellence in the field.
9)      Non-Bengali people parents find it troublesome.  As they are not conversant with this language. They have to send their child to tuition for one more subject. It is a matter of affordability.
10)   It is regarded as a non utility subject in higher studies other than the subject itself.
For the view of teaching this subject.
a)      A Child can learn a subject properly only if it is compulsory.
b)      Some of the view that depriving the child of the knowledge of the language will rob his of the opportunity to learn from rich literature.
c)       It is the mother tounge of many nonresident state people. One should be proficient in his mother tongue. Every child must have sufficient knowledge about his culture.
d)      It is an opportunity to learn the subject properly.
e)      A lot of people of the view that extra subject to take toll on young mind. Jury differ in their decision. Neurologist felt adding an extra language will not be a significant burden on kids.
It could be difficult to grasp a new language at an advanced age.  Children brains were adept at assimilating information and could store them posterity.
It should not viewed with negect.
f)       Bengali is spoken in different dialect in various part of Bengal for them learning proper Bengali is slightly difficult exercise.
g)      Early age us good time to grasp a language easily. It won’t be the additional burden or stress for the brain. Any learning is done by a network by cerebral nerves that process information and keep it for retrieval.
To the view of many people. That Language is a medium of expressing one’s view, opinion, etc.
Every child is better visualize any situation learning in his mother  language. When acquisition of knowledge  or understanding any scientific commercial, leterarry,etc is concern  own understanding in mind is the primary issue. If one is clear in his mind regarding any issue he can communicate in the medium situation demand.
As Bengali is a Regional language. From commercial point of view it is not highly appreciable outside Bengal. Many people proudly proclaim that though they belong to Bengali pedigree  their children can understand Bengali to some extent , but they cannot read or write Bengali.  The significant World famous Bengali Literature is non usable to them or rather good for nothing.
Actually as this language does not earn universal language status ,  not we made status of  this language like the Chinese, The Japanese, or the Germans , or the Russian  etc. we feel it is a waste of time and energy by learning this  language  for our children which is of no use in higher studies and future life in most of the cases .
We feel very proud when we find only for the sake of language some youth had laid their life  and the UN has made  21st February as International Language day as a mark of respect of the struggle for establishing a language or for love of the language.
                Hence a great mental assignment should remain with all of Bengali Speaking people making it a language of usable to every sphere of life, be it in science, in commerce, or in Arts. Only globalization of this language make Indian parent to teach Bengali language. Actually we the parents are the route maker of the child future setting aside the likings of the child. We compel the child to go for the view of the parents as the creator of future of the child life setting.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017


feelings i get by studying an article from the speaking tree

Happiness is a state of mind. Comfort feeling in our mental state we feel happy.  Deep involvement in our work leads to happiness setting aside the other constraints of life.  Our brain has the power of resolving the issues and we beome peaceful. Actually it connects with the universal consciousness. Knowledge and consciousness generally evade the conflict s of our mind and give peace in mind. Detachment -from worldly affair helps in reducing the formation of psychological knots in the brain. Most attachments happen because of the desire to possess either an object or idea. Possession gives us a sense of security. Desire for possession also comes from fear. The brain is a continuously active machine and based upon signals from senses and internal churning; there are constant makings and breakings of neural pathways. Strong memories are based on emotional events.  Memories can be controlled through continuous genuine practice of medication.
Some believe that money provides happiness. True to some extent. Money help us to take care the ordinary things in life. Undistracted state of mind is prevailed and focus on achieving the goal of life can be done. But money should be looked at as means to an end and not an end itself.  There should not be any attachment to money. 

Absence of pain is also leads to happiness. the centers for pain, both emotional and physical, are located in dorsal posterior insula (front position of brain) and at the same place where the seat of ego exists. Thus, pain management is directed by the ego so that the whole brain is focused for its alleviation.  Since happiness is perceived by the brain, So control on our brain by some means specially through meditation we could resolve conflicts and live a happy and emotionally satisfying life.

Monday, 8 May 2017

The perfect relationship is not a chimera (day dream)

Some contents of the Speaking tree I like very much. I try to bring out the essence of the content .

From Speaking tree . 05-05-2017
The perfect relationship is not a chimera (day dream)
One could broadly classify relationship into three categories.
Congenital, essential, acquried.
Congenital relationship is those which are simply blood relations. Most cases defined and limited by their nomenclature, instincts, social conditions, and are largely conformist role playing. They have default setting and sounding affinity and connected is based on a kind of psychological programming.
Essential relationship is such as those related to work, study or one neighborhood.
Acquired relationship are one’s that are one close to initiate , nature, maintain, These typically include our spouse, partners, companions, close friends and mentors and spiritual guides.
Essential relations are quasi voluntary and could be restricted to per functionary courtesies; They do however present the opportunity and proximity to foster a more substantive and meaningful interaction with the potential to develop into long time profound association.
Acquired relationships are one’s that one chooses to pursue, invest, time and emotions and look to them to enrich one’s life, in the way or other. These equations are never subject to any compulsion, They can be called off any time if situation demands, and are entirely in the domain of one’s own violation and free will.
This is such a relationship that never asked questions that only reveal answer, never demand love, only gave it.
The Perfect relationship never answered the way of my existence, but most certainly provided me the answer to the how. True relationship thought there is nothing to learn but only to experience. It is futile of seeking them.

On line health care .

On line health care .
Now one can consult a doctor in Bangalore for acute chest pain from Kolkata. The doctor can converse with him on a video call and ask for some test.
Through map patient can reach nearest Diagnostic lab. Test done, doctor can see the test report online. And prescribe medicine. Online retail needs to move products from point A to Point B through complex logistic. Online health care just needs images and data to reach from point A to point B , which can be done from anywhere in the world virtually free. All it needs is an expert doctor with an internet connection and a payment Gateway.
Today hand held devices can check blood pressure, pulse, saturations, ECG and sugar at home. Disease like diabetes, hypertension, obstructive lung disease, chronic heart failure, such disease routine, cold and cough and fever can be managed online. Patient with psychiatric problem in fact prefer online consultation as it enables them to hide their identity.
The big advantage of online health care is that it is at one’s fingertip, convenient for both patient and doctor. Patient can be in his bed room and doctor may struck in a traffic Jam. Patient from rural India can consult city expert at the click of a button. Technically patient from any part of the word can consult doctors anywhere without spending any money and time on travelling.
Doctors will be able to see a lot more patients without wasting time on commuting. Patient can be discharged from hospital early such doctors can monitor them from home.
On this health care cannot blossom without advanced electronic medical records ( EMR) which will prevent doctors from making mistakes and give them real feedback on how the patients is responding to treatment. .When doctors and nurses is in American ICU are sleepy at midnight doctors and nurses from India where it is mid day can monitor the patient virtually- thus enhancing safety and reducing costs.
Medical council of India should regulation permitting doctors to offer virtual consultation and legalize virtual prescription. According to Indian law doctor’s advice to patient even on telephone is illegal unless it is a medical emergency.
To develop doctor- friendly EMR, a technologist should work with doctors with free access to patient’s data. In US , where patients data is more sacred than patients lives. This cannot happen. This is a billion dollar opportunity awaiting Indian technologist.
IT solution provider does not get carried away billion dollar valuations and often services for a tiny amount of money for each transaction. Of course they with make enough money to justly their effort.
Young technology entrepreneurs is to learn to differentiate needs from greed. Success is never a zero sum game when customers, provider and government win, your win . Devi Shetty.
Onlne health care services are apparently very much praise worthy.
But today in this nuclear family society, Any kind of ill health of a family member, leads to insecurity feeling among the householder or family members. Hence there should be one rider. And as we are not so much health conscious. In a puzzling condition of a family member keeping the brain cool and by opening the net connection , finding out the right kind or desired or renowned doctor ,his availability in the skype, the net connectivity, the speed , the bandwidth all play a vital role. Actually total system from computer/ smart phone to net support should be up to date. The total circle from patient, doctor, pathological Diagnostic Centers, Druggist, Medicine shop should be in well fabricated manner.
The net connectivity problem, net set service provider all plays a vital role to en-cash the fruit of the net based online health care system. Rather it may be fruitful in diseases where periodical treatment is necessary.
Data mishandling or leaking of personal info of high profile people is always a cause of concern. As the apps are made and kept by some technocrat.
Doctors name are shown in the net in a some unknown pattern. Some names are coming first some are coming in later pages. People in distress do not have the time to find out the best or good doctor. The new doctor’s fate are very much at stake. Actually no body or few people want to visit a doctor who is not in focus, or famous.
For getting focus some mechanism has to be adopted by the doctors provided by the Search Engine of net service provider.
Moreover the economic condition of the people should be taken care of . Actually people should have well equipped with the net system to get the benefit of the online health care services.
In this field Goernment has lot to do . He or she should provide free or nominal charged high-speed net connectivity to its entire citizen.
Another thingm, a strong brigade of youth who will act as a savoir to the people in distress in every locality. Obviously they will charge for the service render to the people in need. Can make this program successful

Coaching: Boon or Bane

The mushrooming of coaching centers all over the cities big or small, metros or districts highlight the growing trend of students opting for coaching classes apart from the regular curriculum. Once upon a time coaching was a rare phenomenon, generally unheard of and only taken by those who were weak in their studies. Many experts believe that education is a natural process of learning. For the regular and attentive students coaching is not really required till class Tenth.
However for professional courses like entrance examinations of CPMT and IIT professional guidance is required in today's competitive world. A student has no background and idea of the examination he is appearing for. He or she needs proper study material and guidelines on the important topics, exam patterns, and short-cut methods of solving numerical and analytical questions. It is here when the coaching centers play an important role in helping students. They plan each topic methodically and time schedules to complete the modules.

The coaching classes also help students prepare for interviews and face group discussions. The quality, experience and expertise of the teachers should be the top priority. If a student is sincere and hardworking with good grasping power he or she can prepare for competitive exams even at home. But if professional help is required then select the coaching centre which offers the best options.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Take no pride

This is an extract of Speaking tree.  I seldom go through the paper. The worthy writing are kept for self realization
Take no pride in your possession
Instead of feeling proud about achievement, a person should feel grateful to his success or achievements. Divine Laws make you successful. Indeed one has to be grateful to all that one is endowed with rather than feeling proud about it. Pride is the result of being egoistic.
Arrogance is an expression of a symptom where energy within you is disorganized. A spiritual seeker should catch it right and not allow the ego to rule your life.
Beware of its presence; its presence is the absence of goodness.
The foolish idea of renunciation, Sanyas is leaving the world, but the true meaning renunciation of one’s ego and its arrogance. Money, power youth, people,  Sankaracharya invites us to enter into the world of enlightments.
Life’s higher purpose is to search for that state of being enlightment.
The world is not an illusion as such the way you see the world is an illusion. The world is filled with your desires, expectation, upsets’, and unhappy. The Man’s journey appears to be From one state of unhappiness to another state of unhappiness like getting into wrong habit of smoking, drinking. Second stage is from state of unhappiness to state of unhappiness.
The third statge is from state of happiness to state of happiness; He now gets into another trap of seeking more happiness, and gets lost in wanting more happiness.
The last and wise stage is from a state of happiness to no ego and the stage is from a state of happiness to no ego and the state of Brahma that of Brahman . Where one can stand face to face with truth and that too as an inner experience. Such an experience where there is no subject of but pure experiences.
Pride strengthens the ego and to drop this pride is to weaken the ego. To see the world as it is not influenced the ego is being on the right path  to enlightment.