Thursday, 4 May 2017

Take no pride

This is an extract of Speaking tree.  I seldom go through the paper. The worthy writing are kept for self realization
Take no pride in your possession
Instead of feeling proud about achievement, a person should feel grateful to his success or achievements. Divine Laws make you successful. Indeed one has to be grateful to all that one is endowed with rather than feeling proud about it. Pride is the result of being egoistic.
Arrogance is an expression of a symptom where energy within you is disorganized. A spiritual seeker should catch it right and not allow the ego to rule your life.
Beware of its presence; its presence is the absence of goodness.
The foolish idea of renunciation, Sanyas is leaving the world, but the true meaning renunciation of one’s ego and its arrogance. Money, power youth, people,  Sankaracharya invites us to enter into the world of enlightments.
Life’s higher purpose is to search for that state of being enlightment.
The world is not an illusion as such the way you see the world is an illusion. The world is filled with your desires, expectation, upsets’, and unhappy. The Man’s journey appears to be From one state of unhappiness to another state of unhappiness like getting into wrong habit of smoking, drinking. Second stage is from state of unhappiness to state of unhappiness.
The third statge is from state of happiness to state of happiness; He now gets into another trap of seeking more happiness, and gets lost in wanting more happiness.
The last and wise stage is from a state of happiness to no ego and the stage is from a state of happiness to no ego and the state of Brahma that of Brahman . Where one can stand face to face with truth and that too as an inner experience. Such an experience where there is no subject of but pure experiences.
Pride strengthens the ego and to drop this pride is to weaken the ego. To see the world as it is not influenced the ego is being on the right path  to enlightment.

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