Monday, 8 May 2017

The perfect relationship is not a chimera (day dream)

Some contents of the Speaking tree I like very much. I try to bring out the essence of the content .

From Speaking tree . 05-05-2017
The perfect relationship is not a chimera (day dream)
One could broadly classify relationship into three categories.
Congenital, essential, acquried.
Congenital relationship is those which are simply blood relations. Most cases defined and limited by their nomenclature, instincts, social conditions, and are largely conformist role playing. They have default setting and sounding affinity and connected is based on a kind of psychological programming.
Essential relationship is such as those related to work, study or one neighborhood.
Acquired relationship are one’s that are one close to initiate , nature, maintain, These typically include our spouse, partners, companions, close friends and mentors and spiritual guides.
Essential relations are quasi voluntary and could be restricted to per functionary courtesies; They do however present the opportunity and proximity to foster a more substantive and meaningful interaction with the potential to develop into long time profound association.
Acquired relationships are one’s that one chooses to pursue, invest, time and emotions and look to them to enrich one’s life, in the way or other. These equations are never subject to any compulsion, They can be called off any time if situation demands, and are entirely in the domain of one’s own violation and free will.
This is such a relationship that never asked questions that only reveal answer, never demand love, only gave it.
The Perfect relationship never answered the way of my existence, but most certainly provided me the answer to the how. True relationship thought there is nothing to learn but only to experience. It is futile of seeking them.

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