Thursday, 18 May 2017


here is a writing on my personal feeling. If any portion of my writing hurt anyone , i beg my pardon. as it unintentional to hurt any one.
Now a days there is special discussion to parents of child from class 1 to class X   of Bengal  and the educationist etc  as Bengal Government has issued an order for teaching Bengali   language  compulsorily from class 1 to  class X  in all schools situated in Bengal irrespective of Board.  
I am stating the arguments raised by the parents who are against the view .
1)      Firstly English is a globally accepted language in every sphere.
2)      Hindi is the Official language in India.
3)      A child has to study more or less 11 subjects including English and Hindi Literature.
4)      Learning foreign language instead of Bengali opens up a world of opportunities in India and abroad.
5)      Time crunch.  Today a child have no time to play , finish homework, attend tuition, etc. making Bengali a compulsorily only add to their misery.
6)      It is the literature of local language- it is not necessary as it only have to communicate with the resident of the area.
7)      No  language should be made compulsory for children. It should be on the choice of the child – so that one child can  enjoy and learn .
8)      In this competitive world. – excellence on each sphere is the prime necessity. Hence one can get his space once it made excellence in the field.
9)      Non-Bengali people parents find it troublesome.  As they are not conversant with this language. They have to send their child to tuition for one more subject. It is a matter of affordability.
10)   It is regarded as a non utility subject in higher studies other than the subject itself.
For the view of teaching this subject.
a)      A Child can learn a subject properly only if it is compulsory.
b)      Some of the view that depriving the child of the knowledge of the language will rob his of the opportunity to learn from rich literature.
c)       It is the mother tounge of many nonresident state people. One should be proficient in his mother tongue. Every child must have sufficient knowledge about his culture.
d)      It is an opportunity to learn the subject properly.
e)      A lot of people of the view that extra subject to take toll on young mind. Jury differ in their decision. Neurologist felt adding an extra language will not be a significant burden on kids.
It could be difficult to grasp a new language at an advanced age.  Children brains were adept at assimilating information and could store them posterity.
It should not viewed with negect.
f)       Bengali is spoken in different dialect in various part of Bengal for them learning proper Bengali is slightly difficult exercise.
g)      Early age us good time to grasp a language easily. It won’t be the additional burden or stress for the brain. Any learning is done by a network by cerebral nerves that process information and keep it for retrieval.
To the view of many people. That Language is a medium of expressing one’s view, opinion, etc.
Every child is better visualize any situation learning in his mother  language. When acquisition of knowledge  or understanding any scientific commercial, leterarry,etc is concern  own understanding in mind is the primary issue. If one is clear in his mind regarding any issue he can communicate in the medium situation demand.
As Bengali is a Regional language. From commercial point of view it is not highly appreciable outside Bengal. Many people proudly proclaim that though they belong to Bengali pedigree  their children can understand Bengali to some extent , but they cannot read or write Bengali.  The significant World famous Bengali Literature is non usable to them or rather good for nothing.
Actually as this language does not earn universal language status ,  not we made status of  this language like the Chinese, The Japanese, or the Germans , or the Russian  etc. we feel it is a waste of time and energy by learning this  language  for our children which is of no use in higher studies and future life in most of the cases .
We feel very proud when we find only for the sake of language some youth had laid their life  and the UN has made  21st February as International Language day as a mark of respect of the struggle for establishing a language or for love of the language.
                Hence a great mental assignment should remain with all of Bengali Speaking people making it a language of usable to every sphere of life, be it in science, in commerce, or in Arts. Only globalization of this language make Indian parent to teach Bengali language. Actually we the parents are the route maker of the child future setting aside the likings of the child. We compel the child to go for the view of the parents as the creator of future of the child life setting.

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