Monday, 8 May 2017

On line health care .

On line health care .
Now one can consult a doctor in Bangalore for acute chest pain from Kolkata. The doctor can converse with him on a video call and ask for some test.
Through map patient can reach nearest Diagnostic lab. Test done, doctor can see the test report online. And prescribe medicine. Online retail needs to move products from point A to Point B through complex logistic. Online health care just needs images and data to reach from point A to point B , which can be done from anywhere in the world virtually free. All it needs is an expert doctor with an internet connection and a payment Gateway.
Today hand held devices can check blood pressure, pulse, saturations, ECG and sugar at home. Disease like diabetes, hypertension, obstructive lung disease, chronic heart failure, such disease routine, cold and cough and fever can be managed online. Patient with psychiatric problem in fact prefer online consultation as it enables them to hide their identity.
The big advantage of online health care is that it is at one’s fingertip, convenient for both patient and doctor. Patient can be in his bed room and doctor may struck in a traffic Jam. Patient from rural India can consult city expert at the click of a button. Technically patient from any part of the word can consult doctors anywhere without spending any money and time on travelling.
Doctors will be able to see a lot more patients without wasting time on commuting. Patient can be discharged from hospital early such doctors can monitor them from home.
On this health care cannot blossom without advanced electronic medical records ( EMR) which will prevent doctors from making mistakes and give them real feedback on how the patients is responding to treatment. .When doctors and nurses is in American ICU are sleepy at midnight doctors and nurses from India where it is mid day can monitor the patient virtually- thus enhancing safety and reducing costs.
Medical council of India should regulation permitting doctors to offer virtual consultation and legalize virtual prescription. According to Indian law doctor’s advice to patient even on telephone is illegal unless it is a medical emergency.
To develop doctor- friendly EMR, a technologist should work with doctors with free access to patient’s data. In US , where patients data is more sacred than patients lives. This cannot happen. This is a billion dollar opportunity awaiting Indian technologist.
IT solution provider does not get carried away billion dollar valuations and often services for a tiny amount of money for each transaction. Of course they with make enough money to justly their effort.
Young technology entrepreneurs is to learn to differentiate needs from greed. Success is never a zero sum game when customers, provider and government win, your win . Devi Shetty.
Onlne health care services are apparently very much praise worthy.
But today in this nuclear family society, Any kind of ill health of a family member, leads to insecurity feeling among the householder or family members. Hence there should be one rider. And as we are not so much health conscious. In a puzzling condition of a family member keeping the brain cool and by opening the net connection , finding out the right kind or desired or renowned doctor ,his availability in the skype, the net connectivity, the speed , the bandwidth all play a vital role. Actually total system from computer/ smart phone to net support should be up to date. The total circle from patient, doctor, pathological Diagnostic Centers, Druggist, Medicine shop should be in well fabricated manner.
The net connectivity problem, net set service provider all plays a vital role to en-cash the fruit of the net based online health care system. Rather it may be fruitful in diseases where periodical treatment is necessary.
Data mishandling or leaking of personal info of high profile people is always a cause of concern. As the apps are made and kept by some technocrat.
Doctors name are shown in the net in a some unknown pattern. Some names are coming first some are coming in later pages. People in distress do not have the time to find out the best or good doctor. The new doctor’s fate are very much at stake. Actually no body or few people want to visit a doctor who is not in focus, or famous.
For getting focus some mechanism has to be adopted by the doctors provided by the Search Engine of net service provider.
Moreover the economic condition of the people should be taken care of . Actually people should have well equipped with the net system to get the benefit of the online health care services.
In this field Goernment has lot to do . He or she should provide free or nominal charged high-speed net connectivity to its entire citizen.
Another thingm, a strong brigade of youth who will act as a savoir to the people in distress in every locality. Obviously they will charge for the service render to the people in need. Can make this program successful

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