Monday, 8 May 2017

Coaching: Boon or Bane

The mushrooming of coaching centers all over the cities big or small, metros or districts highlight the growing trend of students opting for coaching classes apart from the regular curriculum. Once upon a time coaching was a rare phenomenon, generally unheard of and only taken by those who were weak in their studies. Many experts believe that education is a natural process of learning. For the regular and attentive students coaching is not really required till class Tenth.
However for professional courses like entrance examinations of CPMT and IIT professional guidance is required in today's competitive world. A student has no background and idea of the examination he is appearing for. He or she needs proper study material and guidelines on the important topics, exam patterns, and short-cut methods of solving numerical and analytical questions. It is here when the coaching centers play an important role in helping students. They plan each topic methodically and time schedules to complete the modules.

The coaching classes also help students prepare for interviews and face group discussions. The quality, experience and expertise of the teachers should be the top priority. If a student is sincere and hardworking with good grasping power he or she can prepare for competitive exams even at home. But if professional help is required then select the coaching centre which offers the best options.

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