feelings i get by studying an article from the speaking tree
Happiness is a state of mind. Comfort
feeling in our mental state we feel happy.
Deep involvement in our work leads to happiness setting aside the other
constraints of life. Our brain has the
power of resolving the issues and we beome peaceful. Actually it connects with
the universal consciousness. Knowledge and consciousness generally evade the
conflict s of our mind and give peace in mind. Detachment
-from worldly affair helps in reducing the formation of psychological knots in
the brain. Most attachments happen because of the desire to possess either an
object or idea. Possession gives us a sense of security. Desire for possession
also comes from fear. The brain is a continuously active machine and
based upon signals from senses and internal churning; there are constant
makings and breakings of neural pathways. Strong memories are based on
emotional events. Memories can be
controlled through continuous genuine practice of medication.
Some believe that money provides happiness. True to some
extent. Money help us to take care the ordinary things in life. Undistracted state
of mind is prevailed and focus on achieving the goal of life can be done. But
money should be looked at as means to an end and not an end itself. There
should not be any attachment to money.
Absence of pain is also leads to
happiness. the centers for pain, both emotional
and physical, are located in dorsal posterior insula (front position of brain)
and at the same place where the seat of ego exists. Thus, pain management is
directed by the ego so that the whole brain is focused for its
alleviation. Since happiness is perceived by the brain, So control
on our brain by some means specially through meditation we could resolve
conflicts and live a happy and emotionally satisfying life.
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